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TMH Food Preparation

"The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life".
Maria Montessori

Montessori philosophy emphasizes about a child becoming an independent individual. In a Montessori environment independence in all areas are focused and prepared accordingly, to aid the child through this process.

In TMH we give lots of importance to the food preparation process. We believe independence in preparing food, serving and eating the food, winding up the process- all reflects in the child’s individual and independent development.

We involve the children in this elaborate process on a regular basis from our toddlers to the primary children. We make sure that children have a good variety of healthy local produce.

We present them the food menu in a very attractive way. Here we have different cutlery, cuisine, special occasion and festive menu etc. Also daily fresh snacks (fruits/vegetables/salads) are prepared and served by the children with the help of the adult throughout the day. The ‘lunch – children’ are served with vegetables, salads, rice and roti varieties.

Thus they get an opportunity to touch, feel and taste the food involving all their senses. This enlightens the quality of their sensorial skills. Their eating habits develop as also they try to explore different kinds of vegetables, fruits and spices.

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